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Lilong (Imphal West) Nagar Panchayat And Out Growth

Lilong (Imphal West) Nagar Panchayat And Out Growth, with population of about 18 thousand is Wangoi sub district's only nagar panchayat and out growth located in Wangoi sub district of Imphal West district in the state Manipur in India. Total geographical area of Lilong (Imphal West) nagar panchayat and out growth is 5 km2. Population density of the city is 3404 persons per km2. There are 12 wards in the city, among them Naorem Leikai (og) Ward No 12 (rural Mdds Code:269937) is the most populous ward with population of 3312 and Lilong (imphal West) Ward No 07 is the least populous ward with population of 659.

Nearest railway station is Dimapur which is 127 km far from here. Wangoi is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the city is 6 km. District head quarter of the city is Lamphelpat which is 13 km away. Imphal is the state head quarter of the city and is 10 km far from here. Yearly average rainfall of the city is 1056.4 mm. Maximum temperature here reaches up to 32°C and minimum temperature goes down to 3°C.


The city is home to about 12 thousand people, among them 6077 (49%) are male and 6350 (51%) are female. 100% of the whole population are from general caste, 0% are from schedule caste and 0% are schedule tribes. Child (aged under 6 years) population of Lilong (Imphal West) nagar panchayat is 12%, among them 51% are boys and 49% are girls. There are 2668 households in the city and an average 5 persons live in every family.

Growth Of Population

Population of the city has increased by 68.6% in last 10 years. In 2001 census total population here were about 10 thousand. Female population growth rate of the city is 70.1% which is 3.1% higher than male population growth rate of 67%. General caste population has increased by 55.5% and child population has increased by 57.4% in the city since last census.


Total about 14 thousand people in the city are literate, among them 7181 are male and 6534 are female. Literacy rate (children under 6 are excluded) of Lilong (Imphal West) is 88%. 95% of male and 82% of female population are literate here. Overall literacy rate in the city has increased by 7%. Male literacy has gone up by 4% and female literacy rate has gone up by 12%.